Mountain biking is a great way for triathletes to get in some fun off season workouts. I actually got my start in multi sports with adventure racing, and moved into Xterra races. For most road racers there are numerous benefit to your road cycling skills which can be gained by mountain biking.
Also for those of us in less forgiving climates, mountain biking provides some shielding from the elements. The bike handling skills you learn in maintaining balance and focus, will prove to be immeasurable once your season beings. Most importantly, it will break the boring hours on a trainer.
The JSTC meets regularly at Allaire State Park. We have several skill groups go out, for rides of about an hour and a half. Though relatively flat, Allarie offers some rollers, small climbs, but loose sandy trails which make handling skills improve immensely. The trails also offer tight single tracks which makes it a great ride for more seasoned riders.
Regardless of your level, find an off road bike, and enjoy some off road riding this fall and winter.
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