Monday, October 27, 2008

Just too many problems

So I haven't posted in a while. My sewer pipe broke, my basement flooded, and I have been staying with family recently while it is getting repaired.

Training has been spin classes, and lifting. One run a week. Swimming more on a freestyle type plan, 2-3 times. Main focus is on strength.

Will be putting on the PC on the trainer, I want to do the Tour de France course I downloaded on the CT, this winter. I guess that will depend on when I can use my basement again

Monday, October 13, 2008

And we're back

After a brief interruption, based on my forgetting to pay for the website, and now we are back online. sorry for the interruption

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Rest and Recovery

Since the HIM, my workouts have been a bit more loosely organized. I started again this week with an emphasis on strength and conditioning. I am bringing back the PC's out tomorrow for a Power test. I will set back the Computrainer and see where I am at years end, and assess my schedule for the winter, to make sure I get the most out of it.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

NJ Man Photos

Check out the Photo section for pics from Scott and Yooni

Here is his race report:

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Bloody mess Continued

I know these only show half, no arch photos. These were taken after a water rinse, to show what happens when someone who always wears socks run without, in desperation. Bad things. These hot spots caused me to stop a number of times on the run, and loose approximately 10 minutes and 10 places. Lesson learned, socks get placed in Ziploc baggies on day where weather is in question!