Friday, August 29, 2008

getting stronger

So I hadn't run in over a week while nursing some soreness in my ankle. I was training only on the PC's in lieu of running. I went back for a speed day, doing a track workout. 5* 1 mile repeats, at 6:15, then a two mile at 6:30 pace. All were slightly faster, and felt great.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

PC- Starts and Stops

It is always funny that despite how long we ride, most of us, will fall or crash, not moving at high speeds, but those slow, starting and stopping. Well using PC's adds a new dimension to the need for caution. I have found the best way for me to start up is to select one foot (usually my left) and make a series of half pedal strokes to get started after stopping at an intersection. Moving at a slow speed and attempting to engage the foot into the pedal can be a challenge, and removes my focus from what is around me, thugs like traffic.
I try and start my pedal at 9 o'clock and pedal to 6, then pull back up to 9 a few times, off a stop at an intersection. I have found this gets me moving the quickest in the shortest amount of time.

Kettle Bells

I have been spending time learning about how to use. I can say I have been amazed. The full body workout you get in such a short period of time is amazing. I have been working with Fitness Solutions, in North Brunswick. Having worked with Mike, and some ART related issues, I felt very comfortable with the staff and their knowledge. Erik Chasko, runs their Kettle bell program. they run group classes that are awesome, but right now just don't fit my schedule. I plan to purchase for home use, and meet with Erik regularly to refine my skills.
The moves can be technical and need to be taught and reinforced by someone with knowledge.
I know this will strengthen my whole body and help me in achieving my goals for this season and next.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

New Found Power?

So yesterday I went for a course preview ride, for a race I will do next month. I rode with a friend, who I am generally behind on the bike. I am always out of the water before him, he will catch me toward the end of the bike on an OLY course, then we generally run very close.
Yesterday, I was just plain different. It was my first day on standard cranks since I began my PC training. I doubt, anything could have that affect in that time. But, I felt strong, fast and fresh. Even if there is a bit of placebo, I'm happy!

Thursday, August 21, 2008


So as is the case at the beginning of any riding season we need to work on handling skills that we lost over the course of winter. Balancing, starting and stopping are all things we 'forget' over the course of our indoor training season.

Re-teaching yourself some skills on Power Cranks, is necessary. While my intent was to become familiar with the PC's on a trainer before going outside the weather here has been too nice not to be outside. I realized how different balance is on the PC's when reaching for my water bottle.

When not pedaling it just feels a little weird. While pedaling, the balance is thrown off a bit. I assume it is because we are creating different torque in our pedaling stroke. I noticed that I was more unsteady, and tended to drift more riding. this was compounded when I removed a hand in an attempt to grab my water. So I added that to some drills. I am certain this is just as anything else would be a transition. It is still one I thought I should share. Be extra careful, grabbing that water.

Ankle is feeling much better. Still not going to run on it. Iced and stretched.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Man down -the real test

So I have been having some ankle discomfort. Not exactly sure how it happened, or even when. I first remember feeling something when i was in the pool with my zoomers. So I'm not sure, if maybe I had some mild instability and then over flexed something. Regardless, I am not running right now. so normally that would leave me a bit upset.

Now with the Power Cranks, I am building my workout on and with them almost exclusively. I have noticed how in my PC workouts, how much more challenging to use the gearing I would normally, and how my cadence is lower per gear. So Hopefully, the workouts in place of the running will keep me on and in my current run form.

On a side note for installation and usage. When installing I would definitely use the loc tite, as it gives you some extra security.

I have decided not to do the Xterra this weekend due to the ankle, so we shall wait until the next race.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Day one- WOW

So my first day with Power Cranks did not disappoint. It did get off to a tough start. It seemed that the bike shop I gave the bike to, had set the pedals in backwards, and so as I pedaled, I was loosening the pedal. Yes, I became separated, do it yourself, it is that easy.

I rode approximately 60 minutes today. The idea was to get comfortable in the PC's. Ideally I would have liked to pedal in a trainer the first time. It was just too nice outside here in Jersey. I had forgotten to put back the cadence magnet, so I was going on feel, but cadence was kept up in the 85 range. I was mixing between a standard pedal , and alternating single leg drills and the dolphin style. I can feel a weakness in my left leg, it just moves slower through the circle than does the right. These workouts should help close the gap.

Only slight hills today, I found I stayed in the small chain ring most of the ride, on a route I would almost never use the small ring. According to the manual though, I'll just focus on cadence, and getting comfortable in the cranks.

The workout, felt like I was in the gym doing squats and leg curls for half the morning. I assume these are the areas of muscles I am not using regularly as my pedal stroke has so many holes. Today was done in supplement of a normal endurance run. I will ride them long tomorrow as a part of a brick.

On a side, ankle is still sore. Feels like it was rolled, though I know it was not. Outside of right, have to watch this. Still planning to have a fun race next week and do an Xterra.

Finally on board

So I have briefly shared some disappointment with getting my PC's up and running. Most of it seems to have been the product of local shops not really being familiar with them or what was needed. I must say I put an email to Andrew of PC customer service, and he was on the phone with me in minutes. He explained to me exactly what I needed in the way of a bottom bracket (I was placing the PC's on an old bike with an old square taper).
Andrew then gave me two option of where to order the product online, and I had it shipped next day. I literally had 20 minutes, before a spin class I was teaching, and was able to get them on and get a quick ride in, it was that easy.

I am going to start the training today. I was originally scheduled to do an endurance run, which I will instead ride with my PC's. I will continue to cut back on the volume of running, and keep the speed work. Should be fun, I'll report back


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

technical delays

So I started the project of putting on my Power Cranks and ran into a few hitches. First was mine, in that a personal matter, made it so I didn't have the time or ability to work on the project. Next I can to realize they bike I am using didn't have an Octolink, but was an old square bottom bracket. I wanted to replace, as it does make for a much better ride.
this is where I have had the problems. Two separate bikes shops to date, and well lets just hope I have it by today. Needless to say I am disappointed already, in that I cannot wait to use these. I am actually most excited about cutting back on my running mileage, as at this time of the year, I am quite beat up and sore. So, With a hope and a prayer, I will have much excitement to report to you shortly.

On other fronts, it continues to amaze me how far in advance we must plan our triathlon life. We are losing the ability to register at a race, even for the small local races. I have now mid way through 2008, already registered for 3 races in 2009, this is crazy. and worse yet none of them are an IM. So the shorter distances are getting more and more filled and closed.