Saturday, August 16, 2008

Day one- WOW

So my first day with Power Cranks did not disappoint. It did get off to a tough start. It seemed that the bike shop I gave the bike to, had set the pedals in backwards, and so as I pedaled, I was loosening the pedal. Yes, I became separated, do it yourself, it is that easy.

I rode approximately 60 minutes today. The idea was to get comfortable in the PC's. Ideally I would have liked to pedal in a trainer the first time. It was just too nice outside here in Jersey. I had forgotten to put back the cadence magnet, so I was going on feel, but cadence was kept up in the 85 range. I was mixing between a standard pedal , and alternating single leg drills and the dolphin style. I can feel a weakness in my left leg, it just moves slower through the circle than does the right. These workouts should help close the gap.

Only slight hills today, I found I stayed in the small chain ring most of the ride, on a route I would almost never use the small ring. According to the manual though, I'll just focus on cadence, and getting comfortable in the cranks.

The workout, felt like I was in the gym doing squats and leg curls for half the morning. I assume these are the areas of muscles I am not using regularly as my pedal stroke has so many holes. Today was done in supplement of a normal endurance run. I will ride them long tomorrow as a part of a brick.

On a side, ankle is still sore. Feels like it was rolled, though I know it was not. Outside of right, have to watch this. Still planning to have a fun race next week and do an Xterra.

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