Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Running with a Bug

This past weekend was the Freehold Running Club's 10 mile race. I have done this ever season for the past three. I like it as it is an early season test of fitness for me. I have been able to fortunately drop a significant amount of time off each season as well. This year it was despite really having much run time in my training (by design).
My schedule has been overloaded with both swim and bike, with generally two runs a week. I have continued to use the Power Cranks as supplement to straight running.
I ran with my friend and training partner Scott, who I train with about 3 times a week in season. Scott is in training for Boston, and was also using this as a tune up to see where he was. I enjoy training and racing with him, as we push each other but do so in a smart manner so as not to over do it.
I arrived at the race timely and ate just as I would before any race. It included a bagel and peanut butter, several hours before the race, and a shake later on.
We ran well in the opening miles, actually a bit faster than anticipated. We were shooting for a comfortable 1:12. Our pace was a bit quick in the first two miles, but then we settled in. Nature called at mile 4 and we both felt much better having done so.
I had taken one gel about 15 minutes prior to the race, and had two for the run. The gel pre race, was one I had left in my car. I'm not sure if the freeze thaw cycle had an adverse affect on it, but it was a bit lumpy. I took about 3/4 of the gel, and chased it with some juice.
Scott and I felt great throughout, we were slowly picking off other runners. At about mile 7 I started feeling a bit uncomfortable. My stomach was jiggling, like to the point where you could hear water swishing in my stomach.
The run became uncomfortable. I was struggling between running faster to get it over, and slowing down to stop the pain. Scott on the other hand looked great. I pushed through to mile 9 and Scott took off. I finished about 20 seconds behind him, and then continued a fight the rest of the day.
I finished with 1:08:40 (I think) so it was a PR. I also learned a bit about my fortitude. I'm not certain if it was the gel, or just something going around, but it stuck with me for 24 hours. I guess the good thing in all of it is I see how absent that there is some room for improvement. Looking forward to next year!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Building; with a purpose

At the start of any client relationship I also do a goal setting session. We talk about what they want to gain from the session, and I figure out if I can help them. With the Rutgers Tri Team, we did the same thing. The difference is that I read all of the on my own, time, as there are over 20 members on the team.
Everyone comes to triathlon for a different reason. Some as just a means of staying in shape. Some, because they have a friend or family member they wanted to show something. Some came to this class because the class they really wanted was sold out, and at the time we still had room.
Regardless of what that outward explanation is, each person come with the goal, to do and see through something they think is somewhat unattainable. Most of their friends and family thought they were 'crazy' upon registration. After, our first session or two, I'm sure some team members were in agreement, with those family members.
On Wednesday we had our first real testing session in the water. It was for me an absolutely incredible transformation. People who 4 weeks earlier had limited comfort in the water, swimming further, faster, and stronger, than before. Groups standing on the deck cheering and helping each other. When I included the word team in this posting, I really meant it.
Though, this is only viewed as a Recreation Class, the dedication, and determination of the participants, coupled with the unwavering support, continue to bring me back to that word.
We will purchase our own race jerseys, this season, to show, and maybe someone, somewhere, will take notice of what I witnessed, on the pool deck. A transformation of individuals into a team. People who now believe in themselves in way they did not before. It is truly awesome.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Monday, March 2, 2009


So as a non-professional athlete, we have many things to consider in our lives that can and do affect our training. Recently I have decided to return to school and work on a Masters Degree, as I guess I felt I didn't have enough degrees on the wall. I was looking to grab a summer class, and realized how challenging it would/will be to get to class and train.
I obviously work full time, and coach, but then also try and keep my weekly training up around 16+ hours a week, as I have a number of 70.3's on my radar. Sometimes things have to give. One of the classes I'd like to register for meets 3 evenings a week. I teach spin the other two nights? How would I get to the track for example? I say this as I don't have an answer yet. I hope that the changing of the clocks next week, helps, because we'll have more daylight.

My racing season was to begin yesterday at E. Murray Todd 1/2 marathon, due to the snow and impending blizzard in the northeast, they canceled. Smart thing, but still a let down. The winter is always a challenge to train, as the darkness and cold often lead to the "blues". I can only hope the 6+ inches melts quickly.

The too funny day in the life. I was doing pull up in my house and as I was I knocked down some papers. Out from it fell a 2009 Michael Phelps Calendar. Just sort of made me laugh.

Rutgers Tri Club is grooving. We had another great guest speaker, and are in the process of ordering Race jersey's!