Thursday, August 21, 2008


So as is the case at the beginning of any riding season we need to work on handling skills that we lost over the course of winter. Balancing, starting and stopping are all things we 'forget' over the course of our indoor training season.

Re-teaching yourself some skills on Power Cranks, is necessary. While my intent was to become familiar with the PC's on a trainer before going outside the weather here has been too nice not to be outside. I realized how different balance is on the PC's when reaching for my water bottle.

When not pedaling it just feels a little weird. While pedaling, the balance is thrown off a bit. I assume it is because we are creating different torque in our pedaling stroke. I noticed that I was more unsteady, and tended to drift more riding. this was compounded when I removed a hand in an attempt to grab my water. So I added that to some drills. I am certain this is just as anything else would be a transition. It is still one I thought I should share. Be extra careful, grabbing that water.

Ankle is feeling much better. Still not going to run on it. Iced and stretched.

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