Monday, December 10, 2007

Off season "Brick"

As with any off season workouts, I always try to break the normal routine. Make the workouts a bit more exciting than the usual we do during our regular season. I read about an interesting Brick in Triathlete Magazine it was a swim run brick, with the run being done in the deep water section of the pool.
Now I understand that many health clubs that athletes train at do not have deep water sections, but if you have access during the off season, I highly recommend. As triathletes we are always concerned with the pounding that running places on our bodies. Deep water simulated running offers an alternative to this. Using a floatation belt, you are "floating" with essentially you head and neck above water, and arms and legs below water.
I began with a swim warm up, and then some drills. After I did swim sets, of 400M. Then did "run" sprints for the equivalent of 400M, or about 2 minutes. Then repeated.
There were other suggested workouts in the magazine, but I believe that any combination based on your skill and goal races would help make a fun way to get in some extra pool time.

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