Monday, April 13, 2009

Picking up where I left off

So, while I am still going through some 'testing' which I understand to be appropiate at my age, I had some unfinished business to attend to yesterday. I went for a run with my friend Scott, who is a week off his first attempt at Boston. we went back to the Indian Trails, to get in a nice run on a fun and challenging course. It was also the course that I took my first DNF on the week earlier.
We ran it well, and I had no stomach issues to speak on. We averaged just under 8's, so it was nice, but not a crazy pace. More importantly I restored some confidence, that was lacking.
This morning that translated into a great day in the water. I have really increased my swim volume this season. Generally I am swimming daily, for about 2500-3000 m a session. While these are not incredible daily volumes, the weekly is up significantly from years past. While maintaining my form, I have been able to shed large amounts of time off my T-Pace. For perspective my T-Pace is now in the low to mid 1:20's where last season it started at 1:40. My Ironman swim pace in 2007 was 1:58, so its nice when hard work shows itself.
Looking forward to some breaks in the weather and getting out with some great new folks I have been working with. Rain, Rain, go away!

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